Thursday, December 8, 2022

Week 13 Part A: Online Advertising - Analysis of the Marketplace

1. While I'm mindlessly scrolling down my FYP on TikTok, I see sponsored posts come up regularly. Most of the time, I just scroll past, because you can tell that it is a sponsored post, and I just don't feel like watching someone try to upsell me something. However, there are those brief moments, where I will watch a sponsored post and it will all make sense. For the most part, their "call to action" isn't so much a call to action, but just posting a video that is not hiding the fact that it's sponsored. Sometimes, they'll have the #sponsored on the bottom of the video, but it's not that prevalent from what I've noticed. 

2. Social media advertising seems to be the most effective for me. If I see an advertisement on TV, I am more then likely, probably on my phone scrolling on TikTok already. Most of the the ads that I see come up on TV are for household essentials or medicine, which go on for longer than the ad should go for. Whereas, on the social media side, I notice that there are products that I am more likely to buy because I saw someone use it on social media, ie a ScrubDaddy. I thought that the hype of the ScrubDaddy wasn't worth it, until I kept seeing cleaning videos on my FYP and decided to give it a try. I ended up loving the ScrubDaddy, and would've never caved, if it weren't for those videos on TikTok. 

3. I see this a lot on FaceBook. For me, FaceBook is mainly just used to family that live far away and who don't communicate with one another often enough. On FB is when I see the ads for things that I'm not interested in, or things I have no desire purchasing. FB also likes to push really strange products/services onto my feed as well, whereas with TikTok, I notice that the ads/sponsored posts are products I would look into purchasing. 

Week 13 Part A: Online Advertising - Analysis of the Marketplace

1. While I'm mindlessly scrolling down my FYP on TikTok, I see sponsored posts come up regularly. Most of the time, I just scroll past, ...