Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Week 11 Part A: Marketing with Twitter, TikTok, Google for Business, LinkedIn, and more

I chose to research and learn more about TikTok. It just made more sense to me to go into further in depth research onto that platform, since I spend most of my time on that app compared to others. For me TikTok is the app that I can relate to the most, from the funny videos, to the dog videos, to the videos that post really deep, intrusive thoughts. The algorithm scarily knows me a little too well sometimes. It pushes out content that they know will get me hooked into a certain topic. 

I can watch a video from a small business and want to support them, so I go onto their account profile, and click on their link, sometimes (if my bank account allows me) I'll end up purchasing something from them to support, but majority of the time, I'll screenshot the business and try to purchase something when I have something in my bank account. Recently, I went through an extremely rough, emotional, patch in my life, and honestly, as cliché, and stupid, as it might sound, TikTok, really went into that pain, and gave me the videos that I needed as emotional support during that time. Forbes did an article, and stated "TikTok is downright mesmerizing, and it's all about that algorithm constantly adjusting the feed as you watch certain types of videos". 

TikTok creators are, in my opinion, the most genuine, and relatable creators out of any of the social media platforms. You don't have to change yourself or make yourself into something you're not. You see creators doing real GRWM (Get Ready With Me's), and talk about their lives, and their struggles. More people open up and are raw on TikTok that I've noticed. They don't feel the pressure of getting "done-up" and glamorous for their audience. 

When it comes to TikTok, the engagement level of audiences to creators videos, beat all the other social media platforms, according the On the creator side of things, you want to get into a niche topic of videos that you enjoy creating, and people like seeing. If you like Marvel, you can make your videos Marvel related and try to loop in some of your own personality into them. Most of the time, when I'm scrolling on TikTok for hours and hours at a time, I look at the comments for majority of the time, and sometimes the comments are actually funnier then the actual content or the video itself. The users on TikTok are some of the most creative people. 

On TikTok, I see people of every age, race, gender, gender-identity, country, etc. I see more inclusiveness on TikTok than any other social media app. There are people who help you find yourself, within your gender and sexuality, and help you to navigate those feelings, there are people who live in a different country and showcase their countries natural beauties and cultures. When I come across a product on TikTok, I am more likely to click on the link to potentially purchase that product, whereas on IG or FB, I just scroll past. Instagram is slowly getting more and more annoying, in my personal opinion. I don't see anyone that I care about that much on my feed, and if I want to see my friends posts, I have to scroll down a lot, because the top of my feed is always the same like 5 celebrities, and I get tired of looking at their feed, so I will just close the app majority of the time, and head on over to TikTok. 

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Week 13 Part A: Online Advertising - Analysis of the Marketplace

1. While I'm mindlessly scrolling down my FYP on TikTok, I see sponsored posts come up regularly. Most of the time, I just scroll past, ...